Puddle Jumpers Play Zone Rules
NO SHOES or BARE FEET ALLOWED in play zone, Socks Only.
NO Running, Rough Play, Fighting or Bullying
Use Inside Voices & Kind Words. No Screaming.
NO Outside Food Or Drink is Permitted in the Play Zone.
No personal toys allowed.
No Toys allowed in ball pen or on climber/slide play structure.
Help keep our toys clean & organized. Put back toys where they belong.
No Strollers or Car Seat Carriers allowed in the center
For Parents & Guardians
Wavier must be filled out by parent/guardian before Entry of Play Zone.
NO SHOES or BARE FEET ALLOWED in play zone, Socks Only.
Children must be supervised by parent or guardian at all time.
No Outside Food or Drink permitted unless approved by PJ’s Management.
NO Personal Toys Permitted in Play Zone.
Please Accompany your children to the bathroom. Baby Changing Station located in Bathroom. Please dispose diapers in provided bin.
No Strollers inside facility due to little space availability.
Please Keep Sick Children at home.
Put any toy that your child has put in their mouth in our “Yuck Bin” so our staff can sanitize the toy for the next child.
Please help us keep our play center clean by putting toys back where they belong after you child has finished playing.
No Weapons, Smoking, Drugs or Alcohol permitted on the premises.
*Puddle Jumpers Management & Staff reserve the right to refuse entry or evict from the play center anyone who may pose a risk to the health, safety, or comfort of other patrons.
*Please notify Puddle Jumpers Management if you have any concerns or areas of our facility that need our attention.